Nominating And Election Of NSM Fellows
In accordance with Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) Rules 4(g): Fellow members shall be elected at a General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Council for outstanding professional and meritorious contributions to the field of nutritional sciences. Fellows of the Society will be entitled to use the abbreviation, FNSM, after their names.
Members of the NSM may be nominated as Fellows of NSM by the members of the Council, Fellows of NSM and Life and Ordinary Members of NSM. Nomination of potential candidates should be made in writing to the NSM Council, at least 30 days before the General Meeting, accompanied by the completed and signed resume form (Appendix 1). All nominees must meet the criteria stipulated in the resume form. Nominee may submit the latest CV as a supporting document. All nominations must be submitted to and
The NSM Council will review all nominations and will consider recommending suitably qualified candidates to the General Meeting. All decisions of the NSM Council shall be final.
Criteria for Nomination
Nominees should:
- be active Ordinary or Life Member of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) for at least 10 years.
- have made regular contributions to or support of the activities of the NSM for at least 10 years.
- have made outstanding and meritorious contributions to the field of nutritional sciences in academic, private and government sector as indicated by contribution / involvement in some or all of the following:
a. Nutrition research projects
b. Publications, including educational articles, technical reports
c. Consultations (including Working Groups / Technical committees)
d. Presentations in scientific meetings, lectures, talks
e. Intervention programmes (including community nutrition promotion)
f. Innovations / Patents
g. Awards
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Assoc. Prof. Dr Mahenderan Appukutty
Nutrition Society of Malaysia