By Laws Of Nutrition Society of Malaysia


An Education Fund shall be established for the purposes of :

  1. awarding prizes to promote the science of human nutrition; and
  2. Providing grants to members of the Society for attending seminars, conferences and similar scientific meetings in nutrition both local and international.



  1. The Fund shall be managed by the Council of the Society.
  2. The Fund shall be established and maintained with monies received from donations, fund-raising activities and from the Society.
  3. All monies in respect of the Fund shall be in an account separate from the existing account of the Society, and shall be termed "Nutrition Society of Malaysia Education Fund."
  4. At the end of the financial year, the Honorary Treasurer of the Society shall prepare a statement of accounts to be audited by the Honorary Auditors appointed under Clause 12 of the Rule of the Society. The audited accounts shall he submitted for approval at the succeeding General Meeting, copies of which shall have been circulated to all members prior to the meeting.
  5. All cheques or withdrawal notices on the account shall be jointly signed by the President and the Honorary Treasurer (or in the absence of either of them, the Honorary Secretary).
  6. The disbursement of undergraduate prize, postgraduate prize, and grant for seminars and conferences shall be at the discretion of the Council, depending on the availability of funds.
  7. All applications shall be considered by the Council, in accordance with Clause 8 (h) and (i) of the Rules of the Society.
  8. The decision of the Council shall be final and nocorrespondence shall be entertained.
  9. The Society reserves the right to obtain or give publicity which it deems appropriate.



The Council may invest the fund in fixed deposits in approved banks.